Community Assistance Grant

Community Assistance Grant

Council of the Municipal District of Fairview No. 136 has adopted Policy CS01, creating the Community Assistance Grant Program.

The purpose of the program is to: 

  • Provide grant funding to not-for-profit organizations in support of the valuable contributions that they make to the residents of the Municipality through the delivery of health, wellness, safety, recreation, culture, and social services; 
  • Recognize the importance of not-for-profit organizations who serve the community through the provision of services, which the Municipality could not sustainably provide; and,
  • Strengthen the partnership with not-for-profit organizations to empower of citizens to build strong and caring communities.

Each year, Council will approve a budget for funding available pursuant to this policy and will determine the amount allocated for distribution for each funding stream, which are as follows: 

  • Community Health, Wellness and Safety: For groups or organizations that implement protective measures to safeguard from harm or contribute to maintaining a safe, healthy and well community.
  • Social Services: For groups or organizations that provide social programs, activities or experiences that promote human welfare, create more effective organizations, build stronger communities, and foster equity and opportunity.
  • Culture: For groups or organizations that provide programs, activities or experiences that express or celebrate the community’s values and aspirations. This includes activities that reflect the identity of a community and its people and shape its unique sense of place, including, but not limited to arts and cultural heritage activities.
  • Event Sponsorship: For the support of events that contribute to the Municipality’s cultural, recreational, or social landscape.
  • Sports League: For groups or organizations offering sports programs, activities or experiences.
  • Recreation: For groups or organizations offering programs, activities or experiences designed for leisure and which enhance quality of life or promote a healthy, active and fulfilling lifestyle.

All applications for Community Assistance Grant funding pursuant to Policy CS01, must be submitted by October 15th of the year prior to the funding year. To apply, complete and submit the Community Assistance Grant Application Form, together with all requisite documents. 

Policy CS02 provides detailed information regarding the Community Assistance Grant Program. For further assistance, potential applicants can contact the Department of Corporate Services and Finance at