Programs & Services

Program & Services

The Municipal District of Fairview No. 136's Agricultural Service Board (ASB) endeavors to support and strengthen the local agricultural industry to ensure its continued prosperity, diversity and sustainability through the development, administration and implementation of programs, services and policies

For more information regarding the programs, services, and policies of the Agricultural Service Board, contact the Agricultural Fieldman by email or by telephone at 780-835-4903.

Weed & Pest Monitoring & Control

Weed Control

Weeds, particularly those designated as "noxious" or "prohibited noxious" pursuant to the Weed Control Act, can have severe and long-lasting impacts, which include: 

  • Reducing or altering the habitat available for native plants species, which threatens species of insect, plant, fish and animal that depend on native plants; 
  • Infesting pastures, crops and forests which may impact crop production, livestock health, and the forestry industry; 
  • Impacting production from agriculture and forestry industries.
  • Reducing private property values; and, 
  • Increasing management expenses for municipalities and private property owners. 

The Municipal District of Fairview No. 136 is dedicated to the effective and environmentally responsible control of weeds through public education, vegetation management programs, routine inspection of municipally and privately owned property, and enforcement of applicable weed control legislation and regulations. 

Pest Control 

Agricultural pests and nuisances are defined by Agricultural Pest Act as any animal, bird, insect, plant, or disease which destroys or harms (or is likely to destroy or harm) land, livestock or property. 

The Agricultural Service Board has developed and implemented policies, procedures and programs focused on the prevention, detection, monitoring and control of agricultural pests and nuisances within the Municipal District of Fairview No. 136. 

For detailed information regarding weed and pest control, please contact the Agricultural Fieldman by email or by telephone at 780-835-4903. 

Roadside Vegetation Management

The Municipal District of Fairview No. 136 controls vegetation such as weeds, grass, brush, and trees in Municipal road allowances (developed and undeveloped) to: 

  • improve roadside visibility and promote safe road travel; 
  • increase efficiency of snow clearing in the winter; 
  • allow proper drainage of water to prevent flooding; and
  • prevent the spread of weeds to agricultural land. 

Vegetation control methods used by the Municipality include mowing, brushing, mulching, hand-picking, and the application of herbicides. 

Tree Seedling Program

Each spring, the Municipal District of Fairview No. 136 offers an annual Tree Seedling Program to promote the establishment of shelterbelts. Shelterbelts can add beauty and shade to farms and acreages, improve air and water quality, improve carbon capture, reduce wind stress and damage to crops, reduce soil erosion, increase snow capture, increase water storage, and create wildlife habit. 

The Tree Seedling Program is available to registered owners of land within the boundaries of the Municipal District of Fairview No. 136. The Program will typically be open for ordering from early January through to mid-March, with seedlings arriving in late May or early June. 

Successful establishment of a shelterbelt takes time, investment, and planning; close attention to design, species selection, site preparation, planting practices, early and long-term maintenance is essential.  Use the following resource to learn more about shelterbelt planning prior to submitting a tree seedling order: 

The 2025 Tree Seedling Program is now closed. 

Our seedling order has been submitted to the nursery, and orders are expected to arrive at the end of May, 2025.

For more information regarding the Tree Seedling Program or establishing a shelterbelt, please contact the Agricultural Fieldman by email or by telephone at 780-835-4903.

Grain and Seed Testing Assistance Program

The Municipal District of Fairview No. 136's Agricultural Service Board is committed to supporting local producers. Accordingly, the ASB provides funding to the Fairview Cooperative Seed Cleaning Plant to implement the Grain and Seed Testing Assistance Program. 

This Program provides local producers the opportunity to submit a maximum of 4 samples per year to the Fairview Cooperative Seed Cleaning Plant for fusarium graminearum, vigor and germination testing. All costs associated with such testing are assumed by the Municipality. 

For more information regarding the Grain and Seed Testing Assistance Program, please contact the Agricultural Fieldman by email or by telephone at 780-835-4903. 

Farm Family Awards Program

The preservation and strengthening of the local agriculture industry continues to be a primary Municipal priority. As such, the Municipal District of Fairview No. 136 Agricultural Service Board (ASB) remains committed to recognizing the outstanding contribution of local farm families through Farmfair International's Farm Family Awards Program.

Each year, the ASB endeavors to nominate a local family to be a recipient of a Farm Family Award. This Award honours both their farming business practices and community involvement. Each recipient receives a commemorative gate sign and are honoured at the
Farm Family Awards Gala. 

For more information on the Farm Family Awards Program or to seek nomination for your farm family, please contact the Agricultural Fieldman by email or by telephone at 780-835-4903. 

Predator Control Program

Coyotes are considered a nuisance under the Alberta Agricultural Pest Act and associated Pest and Nuisance Control Regulations. Upon request, the Municipal District of Fairview No. 136's trained Agricultural Fieldman will provide assistance to landowners in managing coyote predation of their livestock in a manner that is effective as well as agriculturally and environmentally sustainable. 

To support a local livestock producer's efforts to manage and prevent coyote predation, the Agricultural Fieldman may:

  • Provide access to resources to manage and prevent livestock predation; 
  • Investigate alleged livestock predation and provide recommendations to a producer to improve livestock management practices and bolster predation prevention; 
  • Issue coyote control materials and mechanisms to a producer when confirmed predation of livestock has occurred and all other management strategies have been exhausted. 

For more information or to request assistance with coyote predation, please contact the Agricultural Fieldman by email or by telephone at 780-834-4903. 

The Municipality does not have the authority to provide assistance with predation by other species of wildlife such wolves, bear or cougars. For more information on predation by species other than the coyote, please contact your local Alberta Fish and Wildlife Office

Veterinary Services Incorporated (VSI)

Veterinary Services Incorporated (VSI) is a non-profit organization created to assist ratepayers whose primary residence is within Municipal District of Fairview No. 136 boundaries to acquire professional veterinary services. Each year, the Municipal District of Fairview No. 136 provides funding to the VSI Program, which enables VSI to pay 40% of select veterinary costs incurred by a VSI Program participant. 

The Municipality has committed to continue to support Veterinary Services Incorporated to a level that is both agriculturally and financially sustainable.

VSI Program Registration 

Producers of cattle, sheep, goats, and bison who wish to participate in the VSI Program must complete and submit a VSI Application to the Municipality. 

Upon approval, the Municipality will provide the producer with a unique VSI number and card that qualifies them for the privileges offered by the VSI Program. Schedule "A" details the services payable by the Program and Schedule "B" details the services not payable by the Program. 

For more information or to apply for the Program, please contact the Department of Agriculture & Parks by email or by telephone at 780-835-4903.