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Request for Proposals - Motorized Grader Services

August 30 2024

The Municipal District of Fairview No. 136 is seeking Proposals for the provision of motorized grader services for one or more of three designated beats for the purpose of conducting year-round maintenance to the minimum mandated standard.

The anticipated term of a contract (if awarded) for the provision of the services is three (3) years, with an option to extend to five (5) years. The anticipated and estimated start date for provision of such services is in 2025 and is subject to negotiation.

The services shall be provided in accordance with the Municipality’s policies relating to road maintenance. Maintenance standards of municipal roads vary according to designated road class (Collector Roads, Residential Roads, Field Access Roads and Recreational Roads). Class designation of a particular road within a beat is indicated by colour on the beat maps provided, together with an estimate of total distances of each class of road within a particular beat.

To meet the standard of service delivery required will require a minimum of 1586 hours per year, per beat. Hours required to ensure roads are maintained to expected standards will vary according to road condition, which is heavily depended on environmental and climactic factors.

For detailed information, view the procurement opportunity on our website or on Alberta Purchasing Connection

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